A Novel Fast and Body-Fitted Particle Generation Technique for Large-Scale SPH Simulations

Published in International Journal of Computational Methods, 2024

Recommended citation: Xiaoxiao Li, Jiahao Liu, Yao Lu, and Moubin Liu. (2024). "A Novel Fast and Body-Fitted Particle Generation Technique for Large-Scale SPH Simulations" International Journal of Computational Methods. doi: 10.1142/S0219876223420057. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219876223420057

Abstract Particle generation is important for particle-based methods. The reasonable initial particle distribution has a profound impact on the computational accuracy and the stability of particle-based methods. We propose a particle generation method that generates the body-fitted and uniform particles fast. This method first generates initial body-fitted and locally uniformly distributed particles on the geometric facets, following the spatial partitioning, particle hashing, particle sorting, particle merging. The surface particles become body-fitted and uniform. In addition, we also combine several other generation methods of boundary-level particles and inner particles to provide a unified framework for the pre-processing process of the SPH method. Some particle generation examples of complex geometric models demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. The proposed method can generate large-scale particles of complex geometric models, improve the handling capacity of pre-processing techniques and keep up with the scale of solvers. Download paper here