About Riddle

Mr. Jiahao Liu is a PhD candidate in Brown University (Supervisor: Prof. Yuri Bazilevs) and major in Mechanics of Solids. He has been focusing on research about computational fluid-structure interaction, mesh-based method, meshless methods and high performance computing. He has immersed himself in computational mechanics, diligently improving his “yield strength” and “fatigue strength”. He is looking forward to simulating everything and building the bridge from theoretical knowledge to engineering applications. In terms of hobbies, he likes music, calligraphy, and all kinds of sports, such as snowboarding, basketball and swimming.

Please feel free to contact him if any queries (中文/English)

(Recent update on 2024/8/24)


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, 2021 (Major) (Supervisor: Prof. Yue Mei, Prof. Shunying Ji)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (Project Management), School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology, 2021 (Minor) (Supervisor: Prof. Miao Yu)

  • Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Computational Fluid Mechanics), College of Engineering, Peking University, 2024 (Supervisor: Prof. Moubin Liu)

  • Ph.D in Mechanics of Solids, School of Engineering, Brown University, 2029 (Supervisor: Prof. Yuri Bazilevs)


2nd Floor Room 250, 184 HOPE STREET PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island 02912